The Wild Edge

Family Constellations in Nature - a retreat

A retreat exploring our wild edge, in the beautiful natural surroundings of Trealy Farm retreat centre in South Wales only an hour from Bristol.

3-6th October 2024

Trealy Farm, Mitchel Troy, Monmouthshire NP25 4BL


Early Bird £370 TOTAL not including accommodation (email Ruth to book your accommodation at £25-£65 per night or camp for £10), until 19/8/24 or whenever tickets are sold, whichever happens first.

General admission £420 TOTAL not including accommodation (email Ruth to book your accommodation at £25-£65 per night or camp for £10) from 20/8/24 or whenever Early Bird runs out, whichever happens first.

Need to set up a payment plan? Contact me to see what’s possible

Gluten free, vegetarian home cooked food, snacks and tea and coffee included.

Read Deborah’s testimonial about the last retreat here.

Not sure if this retreat is right for you? Why not set up a free 15 minute call with Poppy?

The Wild Edge…

Family Constellations in Nature, Horse Constellations, Embodied Movement, Standing Stones, Ancient Trees, Community.

Francis Weller’s seminal book on grief, The Wild Edge of Sorrow has informed a lot of the work I have done on my constellations journey. Through recent explorations, I have come to realise that so often in our culture, it is “OK” for women to express their Grief and Sorrow, but not for men. And equally it is “OK” for men to express their Rage and Anger, but not for women. When I think of Rage, I see my father raging, and my mother in a passive aggressive state, quietly seething. And when I think of Grief, I see my mother crying, and my father - well, I only saw him cry once. So I have come to see these emotions in the broadest sense, as gendered, in terms of our culture here, and what is allowed.

Men's retreat

We each go to our edge, where tears and rage are welcome, and where we let the body lead, letting go of the thoughts and beliefs that are culturally imposed, or that we have used to survive. Together we hold a safe space for difficult feelings to find their movement, freeing us of the oppressive ties of a culture that works to silence us, and the stories we use to justify it. We can trace back through the unconscious loyalties and bonds in our systems to approach the place where these rules were made, and find the elements that support us on a journey towards authentic expression and relating.

And why do we need to do this?

Because at the heart of our sorrow is our deep joy. And at the heart of our rage is our fierce love.

What’s included?

  • Family Constellations sessions

  • Movement meditation

  • Time in nature including at a 2000 year old Yew Tree

  • Horse constellation

  • Qi Gong (optional)

  • Delicious homecooked vegetarian, Gluten free food

  • Snacks, tea, coffee

  • Natural swimming pool

  • Infrared sauna

  • Wood fired sauna

What’s not included?

  • Accommodation, booked through Ruth (camping from £10 per night, or bring your camper, plus farmhouse bedrooms, loghouses, pods, bell tents etc from £25 pp per night)

  • Transport to and from the venue (Trains to Abergavenny or Newport, public bus to the venue, Bristol Airport is 1 hour away, lift share options)

  • Screen time/ mobile phones, an emergency number will be provided for urgent contact.

Maybe it’s the other way round in your family. Either way, where do you stand in all of this?

Do you suppress your rage, so it comes out sideways (being sarcastic, irritable, making digs), or bursts out in fits and affects how people trust you? Do you suppress your tears, afraid to show your vulnerability, until you have to isolate yourself or put on a brave face to go out into the world.

Does this resonate?

If so, join me in the beautiful setting of Trealy Farm in Monmouthshire, where we immerse ourselves in the fiery heat of the saunas and the cool waters of the natural swimming pool.

We were not meant to live shallow lives, pocked by meaningless routines and the secondary satisfactions of happy hour.
— Francis Weller, The Wild Edge of Sorrow

We are doing the work for all of us

On Ticket Tailor there is an option to add a donation towards a fundraiser to help Zaid Qawasmi, a lawyer from Hebron, pay tuition fees for a MA in International Leadership & Negotiation from UE Valencia. As a teenager, Zaid spent time on exchange in Dublin in 2009, staying with Roisín Fallon and her family. Struck by his compassion, sincerity and wisdom, Róisín has kept in touch with Zaid over the years and when he mentioned his desire to enrol on this course to further his studies and help the push towards peace in his homeland, the family offered to help.

From their home they’ve hosted donations-based tattoo flash days and dinners, already raising enough for the first instalment and guaranteeing Zaid’s place on the course in September. There’s a long way to go however.

Suggested Donation £10