Hello, I’m Poppy

I’ve been involved in Family Constellations since 2015. I completed my training as a Family Constellations Facilitator in January 2017. Family Constellations is a group practice where we look at unconscious loyalties and traits that are carried through families as a result of trauma.

My particular areas of interest are around the processing of emotions through embodiment practices, and also attunement, both as a facilitator and a participant. I lead Family Constellations group workshops and retreats in London, Ireland and elsewhere, I offer individual constellations sessions in Richmond, Surrey, in Twickenham and online, as well as working as an assistant trainer on Barbara Morgan’s training in Somerset. 

I love to travel and I assist on Roisin Fallon’s training in Ireland; I have run workshops there and in Greece - I’ll go where ever I am called - get in touch if you are interested!

I’m passionate about my own development and I regularly attend workshops and trainings in Germany, Ireland, online and all around the UK .

In my spare time you’ll find me kayaking or walking by the Thames near my house, practising yoga, horseriding or dancing 5Rhythms.

I was a practising homeopath for over 15 years prior to finding Constellations work.

Why not scroll down to get in touch or have a look at my blog.