The missing Ancestor
Sandor Altmann drowned aged 14. That poor family - my poor family - imagine if one of my children had died at 14. Imagine if I’d died at that age. My nephew is 14. How does a family overcome that kind of grief and guilt?

YouTube Podcast with Althea Finch of The Pain Free Method
Podcast with Althea of the Pain Free Podcast

How does Family Constellations work?
Read on for an excellent description of how Family Constellations works from this inspirational facilitator.

How I became a Family Constellations facilitator
We spent wonderful evenings sat around the campfire and watching the Perseid meteor showers at night, having “stargasms” as one person called them, and talking and listening in an incredibly heart-opening and authentic way. Cooking communally on the open fire, passing round the talking stick, visiting other circles, just being outside, deeply nourished my soul. By day, there would be more constellations, sometimes five or six a day, and more rituals.

Family Constellations and Containment
One of the key learning experiences for me on my training with Barbara Morgan was about “containment” – which it turns out was what I’d needed all my life. Using Barbara’s containment exercise, I learned that being with myself meant I was more able to be with others. Being contained meant I could be a container for others and hold what is happening in a group. Attuning to others and experiencing their boundaries, or their lack of boundaries, has helped me to become a facilitator.